Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sisters in Arms

I orderd that bulls never call me ma'am but sir
our god-damn tongue has no first personal pronoun to represent masculine
The Far East Camp
this is a colony of slungs and arms
out of the endless partition
I've heard there exists an exact word masculines and tomboys call themselves
Huh, I am not a gypsy dancer.
well, I won't mension it again in vain.

My brainless sheeps never know and have any idea how thin I am
but must have been dreaming every night to eat steak of my flesh
that's OK and keep me from sex-wolves within this insane ordered camp
You are the only person who knows
my army jacket is filled with three-times thicker pads as ordinary ones
not to let my bosses possible to count how many arms I hide in
except a blank shot gun -- my charming accessory.

All around the world
women - ah yes, womyn, I obey you,
are raped or harrased without no exception, as you know,
with only one reason that female has less mustle phisically.
I do not believe in your yutopia.
I am here to decrease the population of this planet.
It's OK the dead mass contains myself.
Hey, let's try a race
which is faster that you finish this war with your diplomatic negociation,
or I complete genoside.

Now I must go.
Good luck.

first published to at 13:37 29/03/2007

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